The Mushroom Pharmacy

Core Concept

Revolving around the prompt "From the ashes", the Mushroom Pharmacy supports a journey towards transformation and self-discovery amidst the chaos of life through the use of psilocybin mushrooms.


Setting in a progressive near future, the brand reflects the zeitgeist of a positive and hopeful vision of society. Where the use of psilocybin mushrooms is a choice for personal growth and wellbeing.

The Mushroom Pharmacy

Core Concept

Revolving around the prompt "From the ashes", the Mushroom Pharmacy supports a journey towards transformation and self-discovery amidst the chaos of life through the use of psilocybin mushrooms.


Setting in a progressive near future, the brand reflects the zeitgeist of a positive and hopeful vision of society. Where the use of psilocybin mushrooms is a choice for personal growth and wellbeing.

The Mushroom Pharmacy

Core Concept

Revolving around the prompt "From the ashes", the Mushroom Pharmacy supports a journey towards transformation and self-discovery amidst the chaos of life through the use of psilocybin mushrooms.


Setting in a progressive near future, the brand reflects the zeitgeist of a positive and hopeful vision of society. Where the use of psilocybin mushrooms is a choice for personal growth and wellbeing.


A cohesive narrative of "A New Awakening". Starting on the logo, where the dot is a button to activate a "psilocybin state". The serif M of The Mushroom Pharmacy transforms itself when the coloured button is active. This narrative is also reflected in the packaging and logo animation.


Individuals pursuing personal development and expansion through natural means.

10:00:37 AM

Luiza Espeschit


© 2024

10:00:37 AM

Luiza Espeschit


© 2024